Communication, Rhetoric and Digital Media
Request for Equipment Donations: Mobile Gaming Research Lab
Dear CRDM, The Mobile Gaming Research Lab is housed at the NCSU Department of Communication and is concerned with the study of all types of mobile games and devices. One of our goals is to create an archaeological collection of artifacts (mobile gaming, consoles, mobile phones etc.) for permanent display at the […]
KairosCamp (for digital rhetoric/writing/DH projects)
Dear All, As one of its faculty, Dr. Rieder would like to promote an opportunity for those of you working on digital rhetoric/writing and DH projects. KairosCamp is an NEH Institute for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities PI’ed by […]
Desiree Dighton ABD
All- It’s my pleasure to announce that Desiree Dighton unconditionally passed her oral exam this afternoon. She is now ABD. Her committee members are Helen Burgess, Paul Fyfe, Vicki Gallagher, and David Rieder (advisor). Congratulations, Desiree!
Helen Burgess, Interim Director of CRDM, 2018-2019
Dear All, We are very happy to announce that Prof. Helen Burgess (ENG) has agreed to assume the role of Interim Director of CRDM during the 2018-2019 academic year; she will begin at the end of June, 2018. Prof. Nicholas […]
Schedule for CRDM core/required courses this fall, 2018
Dear All, Here are the days/times and instructors for all CRD core and required courses this fall, 2018. Please be sure that your TA schedules and courses in which you plan to enroll do not conflict with your core/required courses. […]
WSRL 2018 Call for Proposals
Western States Rhetoric and Literacy Conference Matter and Mattering. Keynote Speakers: Donnie Johnson Sackey, Wayne State University Garrett Avila-Nichols, Bridgewater State University Date: November 2-3, 2018 Location: New Mexico State University (Las Cruces, NM) Call for Proposals In histories […]
NC Sea Grant News: Grant Funding Deadlines Approaching
NC Sea Grant Funding Deadlines Approaching January 8, 2018 Contact:John Fear,, 919-515-9104Katie Mosher,, 919-515-9069 North Carolina Sea Grant’s research projects and fellowships address current and emerging marine, coastal and watershed issues. Five opportunities have application deadlines in coming weeks.
Important Announcements
DROP / ADD DEADLINE: Wednesday, January 24th – Census Date/Official Enrollment Date (*Originally January 22, changed due to adverse weather) TEACHING PREFERENCES: CRDM is in the midst of scheduling fall 2018 courses and we want to make sure your preferences […]
HYBRID PLAY – 2018 CRDM Research Symposium
We would like to announce the 2018 CRDM Research Symposium. This year’s symposium explores the theme HYBRID PLAY as an interdisciplinary activity, one that is capable of generating new forms of communicative and artistic expression and new ways of interacting with, and understanding, the world. […]
Spring 2018 Visualization Workshops
The NCSU Libraries is pleased to announce our initial slate of visualization workshops for spring 2018. All workshops are interactive and are open to NC State students, faculty and staff. We are excited to offer some new workshops this semester […]