Request for Equipment Donations: Mobile Gaming Research Lab

Dear CRDM, 

The Mobile Gaming Research Lab is housed at the NCSU Department of Communication and is concerned with the study of all types of mobile games and devices. One of our goals is to create an archaeological collection of artifacts (mobile gaming, consoles, mobile phones etc.) for permanent display at the University. 
We are writing to solicit donations of equipment (hardware and/or software) for the LabDonations given by 1 March will be used for the Mobile Gaming Expo at the CRDM Symposium.

We are looking for:

  • Historically relevant hardware, such as handheld/portable game consoles, mobile phones and GPS devices used to play mobile games (e.g., Game Boy, N-Gage, Apple iPhone 3GS, early flip phones, etc.) A few examples here:
  • Historically relevant mobile games (including location-based games) and emulators for playing these games (snake, tetris, etc.)

We hope this project will contribute to mobile gaming and mobile communication scholarship by preserving key hardware and software before these critical pieces of mobile history are lost to entropic decay and disuse.
If you have anything to donate to our lab, please contact Dr. de Souza e Silva directly at And if you are not sure about what to donate, please write as well.

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