Important Announcements


Wednesday, January 24th – Census Date/Official Enrollment Date  (*Originally January 22, changed due to adverse weather)

CRDM is in the midst of scheduling fall 2018 courses and we want to make sure your preferences are known.  Please complete the following form ASAP if you have any teaching preferences –
Here’s the form:

2014 Cohort (4th year CRDM students)
Please take a moment to read/complete this form:
*If you have already been reimbursed your full travel allotment, you may disregard this message
If you submitted a travel proposal in the travel spreadsheet for the 2017-2018 academic year and have not entered a Travel Authorization via your MyPack Portal yet, please do so by close of business on Friday, February 2nd.  Please note, this is a hard deadline – any travel request without an authorization in place by this deadline will be considered void.  Those who have requested travel funding are allowed to request up to $800 to be reimbursed.  Please let Jeff Leonard know if you have any questions!

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