HYBRID PLAY – 2018 CRDM Research Symposium

We would like to announce the 2018 CRDM Research Symposium. This year’s symposium explores the theme HYBRID PLAY as an interdisciplinary activity, one that is capable of generating new forms of communicative and artistic expression and new ways of interacting with, and understanding, the world. To this end, the goal of the symposium is not only to explore hybrid play from a theoretical perspective, through engagements with top scholars and designers in the field; it also engages participants in new applications of and platforms for mobile gaming, AR/VR, and haptic interfaces.

We are welcoming 5 top scholars in the field, who will engage in lively discussions with CRDM faculty and students, by participating in a plenary session, mentor sessions with students, and scholarly panels. We will also have one workshop on Critical Play, and one exhibition on mobile gaming interfaces, organized by students.
Invited Speakers:
– Shira Chess (University of Georgia)
– Kishonna Gray (Arizona State University)
– Larissa Hjorth (RMIT University, Australia)
– Christian Licoppe (Telecom Paristech, France)
– Nick Tandavanitij (Blast Theory, UK)

More information on the symposium can be found on the website: https://crdmsymposium2018.wordpress.ncsu.edu/
Also check our social media accounts for updates:
Twitter @CRDM_Symposium
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/2018-CRDM-Symposium-355346318222799/

The symposium will take place on March 26-27 at NC State’s Talley Student Center. 

All participants should register here: https://crdmsymposium2018.wordpress.ncsu.edu/symposium-registration/ by February 28.  
If you you have any questions, please email Dr. Adriana de Souza e Silva.

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