
Apr 6, 2018

CWSP Workshop: The Plural of anecdote is not data, and other things I learned from Citation Project research

Dear Colleagues: The Campus Writing and Speaking Program is excited to invite you to attend a workshop with Dr. Sandra Jamieson, Professor of English at Drew University. Dr. Jamieson and her colleagues have been working on an important and influential […]

Apr 6, 2018

Elective Option at Duke

Apr 6, 2018

2018 College Thesis/Dissertation Award call for nominations

If you’d like to be nominated for the Outstanding Dissertation Award, please talk with your advisor, who will need to complete the nomination form w/you  

Mar 31, 2018

TCA SpeedCon on April 7. It’s free and open to public!

SpeedCon has exciting workshops and presentations on usability, instructional design, grant writing, and other topics by speakers from IBM, Red Hat, TimelyText, and renowned companies in the RTP. It’s free and open to public! And you can attend part-time, if […]

Mar 31, 2018

Invitation to Submit to NC-State’s RSA unConference

Hello CRDM community,   The Rhetoric Society of America chapter at NC State will host Rhetorical Listening: An unConference for Social Justice on Saturday, April 14 from 11:30AM-3:30PM at NC State. Please see the full call for this event below […]

Mar 31, 2018

CFP: Contextualizing Care in Cultures (Present Tense Special Issue)

CFP: Special Issue of Present Tense  Contextualizing Care in Cultures: Perspectives on Cross-Cultural and International Health and Medical Communication    Issue Editors:  Kirk St.Amant, Louisiana Tech University Elizabeth L. Angeli, Marquette University     Proposals Due: 22 May 2018   Publication Date: Spring/Summer 2019 (tentative)   […]

Mar 31, 2018

CWSP Special Workshop: Digital Literacy Across the Curriculum with Adobe

Dear Colleagues,   The Campus Writing and Speaking Program invite you to join us for a special workshop co-hosted by Adobe entitled “Digital Literacy across the North Carolina State University Curriculum with Adobe Creative Cloud” by Dr. Todd Taylor, a professor […]

Mar 31, 2018

Announcement: Basic graduate business course now offered in summer

For the first time ever, Strategic Management Foundations (BUS501) is being offered  in Summer Session II, and will be taught over 5 consecutive Saturdays.   This course has been offered over the last 10 years.  It was designed to help […]

Mar 31, 2018

Congrats to Nell Ann Pickett Award Recipients

Congratulations to Jared Colton, Steve Holmes, and Josephine Walwema, who received the Nell Ann Pickett Award at ATTW 2018 and also to Ashley Rose Mehlenbacher for her article that received honorable mention.   Read more about their articles here:

Mar 31, 2018

Dissertation Completion Grants Available – Nominations Due May 16th

Nomination Deadline: May 16, 2018   Directors of Graduate Programs,   I am requesting your assistance in nominating graduate students for the Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grant program for the period July 1, 2018 – December 31, 2018. This grant is for students who have […]