Stories From Nov 2017

Nov 29, 2017

Creative Code: A Performance 12/1 at the Gregg

Creative Code: A Performance Gregg Museum of Art & Design, Dec.1, 5:30 PM   The Creative Coding Collective is a group of NC State students dedicated to making artistic exploits with the personal computer. We have compiled a collection of original works hand-coded for audio and […]

Nov 29, 2017

“Matters of Media” undergrad student showcase — KINGS, December 11, 7 PM!

Attached is the flyer for an upcoming event showcasing media production work by undergraduate students in Comm & English, co-hosted by Sarah Evans and Nick Taylor and with participation from our classes as well as from Dave Rieder’s ENG 395 […]

Nov 29, 2017

CFP – SIGDOC Student Research Competition

The student research competition is an annual ACM event open to undergraduate and graduate students. Students who submit winning proposals, in response the attached CFP, will be compensated $500 in travel expenses and registration fees to give a poster presentation […]

Nov 29, 2017

Trans Inclusive Syllabi Act

NC State Student Government has recently passed the “Trans Inclusive Syllabi Act”. This act encourages professors to add an optional syllabi clause (quoted below) supporting transgender students and offering to use preferred name and/or pronouns upon request. Adding said syllabi […]

Nov 21, 2017

CFP to teach sections of ENG 395

CRDMers,   Do you have an idea for a course that you would like to teach as a special topics offering? If so, please consider sending a proposal to offer your course as a section of ENG 395, “Studies in […]

Nov 21, 2017

Announcing: Stories of The Nature of Cities 2099 Prize for Urban Flash Fiction

Check out the link below!  Stories of the Nature of Cities 

Nov 21, 2017

RSA Reading Group – Wed., Nov. 29 @ 1pm – Hawhee’s Rhetoric in Tooth & Claw

Hello all:   This is a reminder that our final RSA@NCSU reading group meeting this semester will take place Wednesday, November 29 at 1pm in the CRDM conference room. We’ll be discussing chapter 1 of Debra Hawhee’s Rhetoric in Tooth and Claw: Animals, […]

Nov 21, 2017

For us in humanities and social sciences: How a half-educated tech elite delivered us into chaos

Article of interest: How a half-educated tech elite delivered us into chaos

Nov 17, 2017

Potential tax issues for graduate students

Dear Graduate Community- As many of you have heard, there are some very impactful changes related to graduate education that have been put forward as part of the proposed tax reform plans that are currently been debated in Congress. If […]

Nov 16, 2017

“Matters of Media” event at Kings, December 11: Call for Participants Inbox x

Sarah Evans and Nick Taylor are hosting an event at Kings (the bar + music / arts venue in downtown Raleigh) in the evening of December 11, entitled “Matters of Media: A Showcase of NC State Student Media Production”. It is an […]