Environmental Health Summit
The Triangle Environmental Health Collaborative is focusing its annual summit meetings on challenges of science communication and science/policy networks. All are invited. Contact Martin Armes, Executive Director ( for more information or to register. Note: in particular, they are looking for grad […]
CFP: Rhetoric of Populism
International developments involving the spread and success of populism urgently request academic analysis from a multidisciplinary perspective. We invite paper proposals for an edited volume studying populist discourse from the following perspectives: Argumentation theory, linguistics, literature studies, rhetoric, legal, political […]
Important Message from CRDMSA Representatives
If you’ve already filled this survey out through our Facebook group, then please disregard; however, if you haven’t filled out the survey, please take a quick second and complete it–it’s super short. Chandra Holst-Maldonado and Desiree Dighton are your CRDMSA reps, […]
CRDM Teaching Preference Feedback
Please be sure to complete the following survey regarding your teaching qualifications and preferences. While we can not promise that we can match you with your preferences, we will make every effort to do so – thank you! […]
CRDM Research Interests Survey
Please remember to complete this brief survey regarding your research interests. The purpose of this survey is to let the program know where your interests are in the event an opportunity should arise. Thank you!
2017-2018 CRDM Student Travel Requests
If you plan to present at a conference during the 2017-2018 academic year, please take a moment to complete the following Travel Funds Request Form. The CRDM Program strives to award travel money for each student who plans to travel, but awards will vary […]
Sound Studies and Argumentation–Special Issue of Argumentation and Advocacy
Sound represents a significant part of our lives—from the musical backdrops of everyday spaces to the mundane noises of our technology. While there has been a significant amount of research on sound’s persuasive capabilities, its potential value is undertheorized. Argumentation […]
When: Thursday, September 14; 11:00 – 12:30 Where: Piedmont-Mountains Ballroom – Talley Student Union Registration Deadline: September 8 The Graduate School will sponsor a workshop for students interested in applying for the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP). […]
Inaugural Digital Field Methods Institute at UT Austin 2018
Inaugural Digital Field Methods Institute at UT Austin 2018: “The Digital Writing and Research Lab at the University of Texas at Austin is excited to announce the Digital Field Methods Institute (DFMI), an annual event that will offer new and […]
Dissertation Defense!
On Thursday, August 3rd, at 4:00pm, Jason Buel will be defending his dissertation, “Whose Screens? Our Screens! Digital Documentary and Social Activism.” The defense will be held in Caldwell Hall, room M-8. Jason’s committee:Devin Orgeron (chair), Wesley Hogan (Duke […]