Submission of this form does NOT guarantee award of funds.
Students MUST complete this form in order to be considered for funding or reimbursement.
This form is NOT a substitution for a Travel Authorization. Travel Authorizations for NC State must follow procedure. Remember Travel Authorization must be completed EACH time you travel and only grants permission for you to travel; it does NOT guarantee any type of funding or reimbursement. Here are the steps and link to the form (please contact Jeffrey Leonard if you have any questions) – thank you!
All students who plan on presenting at conferences during the academic year should follow these steps:
1. Before applying for travel, please make sure to read NCSU travel application requirements at . Please be aware that the program may impose additional policies on travel reimbursement, including the travel application form described below.
2. Before September 21st:
Submit a CRDM travel application form.
Link to 2017-2018 Form:
3. As soon as you have your paper/presentation accepted at the conference:
Submit a NCSU travel authorization form at MyPackPortal.
4. Within 30 days of return from your conference:
Submit receipts for reimbursement.
- The travel application form is DIFFERENT from the travel authorization form. This is an internal CRDM procedure. When filling up this form, you should indicate ALL conferences you plan to attend during the academic year.
- No student should submit a travel authorization form without submitting a travel application form. Travel authorizations should be submitted and approved as soon as you get accepted to participate in a conference, and BEFORE the travel takes place. Submitting a travel authorization form DOES NOT guarantee full reimbursement. It just authorizes you to be partly reimbursed for your travel expenses through the program.
- Expenses include, but are not limited to, airfare, meals, transportation, and conference registration. If additional funds become available, we will award them based on the information contained on your travel application forms and travel authorization forms. Should you need additional travel funds, you are encouraged to apply to other funding sources. We will send information about other funding sources as they become available.
- Students should only apply for reimbursement if they are presenting at the conference. Conference attendance is lower in priority and does not guarantee reimbursement.
- Reimbursement receipts should be submitted within 30 days of your return date. Travel that occurs in April-July must have a travel authorization form submitted and approved PRIOR TO March 1st. If you don’t have access to the system to submit your reimbursement during April-July, you will need to send the designated person/program associate all your information, so she can submit it for you as soon as you return.
- Students who are not on assistantship (either on fellowship or non-employed student) will need to complete an AP 104 form (form can be found here): prior to travel plans. This serves as the student’s travel authorization. The student will then provide the program associate with receipts/documentation for travel reimbursement request.
Summer Travel
Cut off dates for spring/summer are as follows:
Please submit any and all summer travel authorizations before May 15th (travel that happens between May 15 and August 15). TAs must be submitted BEFORE TRAVEL PLANS happen, even during the summer.
If your travel ends BEFORE May 15th – you will need to complete your Travel Reimbursement request by May 15th. You will lose access to the travel center in MyPack Portal after May 15.
If your travel ends AFTER May 15th but BEFORE May 31st – Jeff will complete your TR request for you, but that means you MUST get your receipts to him as soon as possible!! He has a limited amount of time to get everyone’s reimbursement requests into the system.
If your travel STARTS AFTER May 31st – this goes on next year’s budget, which is NOT guaranteed. We do not know how much we can offer for reimbursements the next fiscal year. If your travel ENDS BEFORE July 15th – we still need to submit a TR within 30 days of travel ending, so you need to get your receipts to me ASAP. Jeff will process a TR for you, and the TR will be active in the system until we determine if we can offer reimbursement and in what amount.
If your travel ends AFTER July 16th – you should submit your TR on August 16 when you regain access.