Call for Participation: Our (Digital) Humanity Conference, April 20-22 at Lehigh University
Please consider submitting proposals for the Our (Digital) Humanity: Storytelling, Media Organizing and Social Justice Conference, April 20-22, 2018. Deadline for submitting proposals is November 15, 2017. As a conclusion to the Mellon Digital Humanities Initiative at Lehigh University, we will be hosting a remarkable […]
CWSP Brown Bag: Dialect in Student Writing and What (Not) to Do about It
Dear Colleagues, Registration is now open for the Campus Writing & Speaking Program’s October Brown Bag Event: “Dialect in Student Writing and What (Not) to Do about It” by Professor Jeffrey Reaser on Monday, October 2 from 12pm-1pm in Withers 331. A persistent and vexing problem […]
Option A exam update
For those you who are planning (or thinking about) taking your comprehensive exams with no notes, no outside sources, and no internet (exam option a), here’s an update: – For this semester, the exam room will be Tompkins Hall […]
Call for Proposals: CDQ Special Issue on Environmental Communication in the Age of UnReason
Call for ProposalsEnvironmental Communication in the Age of UnReason: new research, roles, and the technical communicator’s responsibilities in shaping environmental discourse. Guest Editor: Sarah Beth Hopton, Appalachian State University Communication Design Quarterly (CDQ), the peer reviewed publication of the Association for Computing Machinery […]
Oct 4 – Geothink&Learn Live Video Session – Save The Date!
Over the course of our research grant, we have studied how technology shapes and changes the ways individuals, community groups, government and the private sector work together. One particular technological development, an augmented reality game developed by Niantic for iOS, […]
GSOLE Webinar Invitation
The webinar, “Your Voice Matters: Publishing in the Field of Online Literacy Education,” will take place on Tuesday, September 12th from 1-2pm ET, and will be lead by Jason Snart (College of DuPage), founder and current editor ofOnline Literacies Open Resource (OLOR), and Michael Greer (University of […]
Join our NCSU chapter of the Rhetoric Society of America; first meeting Sept. 21
CRDM, Comm, and English Students & Faculty: You are each warmly invited to participate in our NCSU chapter of the Rhetoric Society of America. Our student chapter is a place for MA and PhD students to come together with faculty […]
Think Tank: Integrating Citizen Science into University Courses
We’re writing to invite you to a think tank to generate new ideas for incorporating citizen science into undergraduate classes. Citizen science projects allow nonscientists—including students pursuing any career path—to collaborate in posing research questions, gathering data, analysis, data visualization, […]
New workshops for coding + visualization this semester
We have some new NCSU Libraries visualization workshops that may be of interest to coders. Please click on titles for more information and to register: Data Visualization with R – Friday 9/8 R for Absolute Beginners – Friday 9/29 D3 Fundamentals I: […]
Workshop Friday, Sept. 1 (1:30-3:30): Colorizing Digital Media and Visualization: Using Mobile and Online Apps
Workshop: Colorizing Digital Media and Visualization: Using Mobile and Online Apps Friday, September 1 from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. Hunt Library, Creativity Studio Free and open to NC State students, faculty and staff, but pre-registration is required. Register here. This workshop is […]