Raspberry Pi workshop next week! Fri. 12/8 @ 10am, DH Hill Makerspace

Getting Started with the Raspberry Pi: Building and Controlling Beginner Projects
Friday, December 8, 2017, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM, in the D.H. Hill Library Makerspace
Come learn the basics of Raspberry Pi in this two hour workshop. A Raspberry Pi is a full computer that costs $35. It’s an easy platform for prototyping and controlling electronics, art projects, and science equipment. The Pi powers projects from craft brewing to data collection and visualization; from interactive art installations to supercomputers.
Working in Scratch and Python, you will learn to code and control an LED, program a stop light, and take pictures with the Raspberry Pi’s camera. 
While no previous experience is necessary, beginning coders may want to prepare by taking a lesson or two of the Code Academy Python course.

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