Thesis and Dissertation Institute
Does your thesis, capstone, or dissertation need some inspiration? Looking for a boost to get finished? Or maybe you want to get it started off on the right foot? Try our Thesis and Dissertation Institute!
The Institute is designed to give Master’s and doctoral students at the writing stage of their thesis, capstone, or dissertation dedicated time and space to focus on their projects. The Institute combines highly productive writing time, scholarly writing instruction, one-on-one consultations, and group goal-setting to support students. We will help you get finished!
When: December 11-15, 2017
Where: Hunt Library Creativity Studio
Who can apply: Master’s and Doctoral candidates at the writing stage of the thesis or dissertation
Applications available: October 2 – November 27
Application Package
There are three (3) requirements for your Thesis and Dissertation Institute application:
- A completed application form
- An email statement of support from your advisor or dissertation chair
- A fully refundable motivational deposit of $50 in the form of a check, made out to NC State University.
To secure your seat in the Institute, you must complete all three elements of the application package. Incomplete applications will not hold you a seat. We will hold two seats on a waiting list in case of a cancellation. Please read the entire application package for full details and instructions. Once your completed application is received, you will receive an email from the Program Manager of Thesis and Dissertation Support Services confirming your seat and providing you with more details about the week’s schedule and expectations.