Last Friday, the CRDM Program Committee voted to close something of a loophole in the constituency of PhD committees. Closing it puts us in line with every other program on campus, fyi.
– Neither core or affiliated CRDM faculty can serve as the Graduate Student Representative on a student’s committee.
The issue this change in policy addresses is the following: on occasion, affiliated faculty, who were not faculty in COM/ENG, would assume the role of the GSR. Since the GSR is supposed to protect the student’s rights w/out bias or pressure from the program and/or the other members of the committee, it seemed right to disallow affiliates from taking on that role, too.
*** With two weeks’ notice, the Grad School will find and assign a GSR for you, based on the day/time listed in the paperwork you submit to Jeff Leonard, for the oral exam and/or dissertation defense.
This policy change is effective immediately. It will be changed on the website soon.
Link to a description of the GSR: