COM 477 Mobile Communication and COM 547 Mobile Media & Communication invite you to the public presentation of their final projects

During the course of the semester, students were asked to choose a problem area from the Libraries and a specific mobile technology (e.g., IoT, wearable, location-based, mixed reality) to explore. Each group was expected to research the problem area and the technology, then develop a concept for applying the technology to the problem area. The concept should be based on at least one social issue surrounding mobile media discussed in class, such as privacy, surveillance, collaboration and sociability, mobility, spatial awareness. The groups worked in the DH Hill Library Makerspace to built a prototype to demonstrate their concept in the real world, and present this prototype (or a documentation of the prototype) at the end of the semester.



Thursday, November 30 @ 10 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.


Wolfpack Library Wayfinder

Tyler DeAtley, Ragan Glover, 
Mai Xiong

 We are developing a way-finding application for D.H. Library. It uses Bluetooth Beacons to identify library users’ positions and help them to locate resources within the library through an app and web interface when Bluetooth is activated on their phone.


Caroline Funkhouser, Meghana Shivanandacharya, Nora Suren

 WolfShare is a prototype smartphone application that allows users to connect (both virtually and in person) to one another for the purpose of sharing helpful homework tips and urgent class related questions.

Learning Through Virtual Reality

Siddisee Hirpa, Grant Rivers, 
Paul Robinson

 We are implementing virtual reality to immerse students into an experience that allows them to learn information through a virtual textbook, along with other study tools in VR.


COM 477


1:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.

Tuesday, November 28

Thursday, November 30 


India Jordan, Olivia Kane, Haley Roy, Alec Sawyer, Dakota Tholen

 Students often have a difficult time navigating the large NCSU libraries. We propose an app that utilizes Bluetooth beacons to direct students to points of interest within the libraries.



Conner Enloe, Kelly Granger, Dondre McCaskill, 
Chelsea Nelson

 We designed an augmented reality mobile app to help users locate the specific book genres in the library book stacks.

Help@NCSU Libraries

Alexis Brown, Shera Chellani, Trey Spivey, 
Meredith Wynn

 This is a mobile app that allows students to offer or receive help based on their expertise. It uses location services and augmented reality to guide users to one another physically once they have already found their match digitally on the app.


Wolf Vision

Christianna Hall, Asti Kelley, Kit Larson

 We created an augmented reality app called “Wolf Vision” to help students navigate the music/sound rooms in the library. Via the AR mobile interface, students will have access to equipment descriptions and how to use that equipment to successfully complete a project.

The Automated Usage Counter

Evan Lindsay, Caroline Paquin, Robbie Scott, 
Austin Williams

 This product takes images of a room after a designated number of minutes. It records the number of people in the room at the time, timestamps the number, then sends it to a database. At the end of a 24-hour cycle, it calculates the average number of users for the room and the average amount of time people spent in there.



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