New Graduate Course, Spring 2018: ECI 719 601 DE Online Special Topics: Comp-Supp Collab Lrng: Theories, Models & Processes

ECI 719 601 DE Online Special Topics: Comp-Supp Collab Lrng: Theories, Models & Processes
Instructor of Record: Michael A. Evans
Teaching Assistant: Elena Vladimirova
Prerequisites: None
Syllabus: Available Upon Request
Course Overview
This course has examines selected human, social and technical issues and concepts of computer-supported
cooperative work, computer-supported collaborative learning, and social networking. Topics include:
the ways that groups work in the networked organization; analysis and design of group-support
systems; the theory, user-centered analysis and design of groupware; social-networking and
community-learning technologies; and future directions of these technologies. The course includes
theoretical and research literature on the design of social and collaborative systems.
When you have completed this course, you should be able to:
  • Apply collaborative, cooperative and social computing concepts and techniques to analyze
  • potential organizational requirements.
  • Apply selected collaboration and social computing systems to meet specific application
  • requirements.
  • Evaluate behavioral aspects of collaborative work environments.
  • Discuss research literature on social and collaboration computing.
Groupware systems are socio-technical systems, so their design must be driven by the human and
social needs of users and user communities. Accordingly, this course looks at various approaches for
studying, analyzing and evaluating system requirements—particularly, for cooperative, collaborative
and social-computing systems. Course readings cover classic papers defining the CSCW field,
examples of groupware applications for cooperation in the workplace and for collaborative learning,
and considerations for groupware evaluation.
This course is designed and organized to support collaborative learning; work in small groups is the
primary learning activity; the instructor’s role is primarily to structure, assess and guide the experience.
The instructor’s knowledge, experience and perspective are well represented through the readings.
Students will prepare presentations on the readings, working in online small groups. Critical, creative,
well-grounded views on the readings are encouraged. The course will focus on a group design project
that explores the leading edge of research on social and collaborative computing, allowing the
selection of current topics to follow student interests.
The course requires careful reading of 50-75 pages a week. It requires writing critical reviews of the
readings, collaboration on a group project with group reports (including about an hour per week of
synchronous small-group chat), and participation in online class discussion.
This one-time course offering may not be repeated in the future. The content and instructor of this
course change each time it is offered. This is an opportunity to benefit from the instructor’s own
perspective on groupware design and research.
For more information, please contact Dr. Evans at

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