2016 CRDM Dissertation Award

Congratulations to Dr. Fernanda Duarte for the CRDM Dissertation Award!

The CRDM committee decided to implement a new Annual CRDM Dissertation award, to be chosen among the program’s nominees for the CHASS Dissertation Award. 

There were several excellent nominations, and this year, the committee chose the Dissertation of Fernanda Duarte to be the recipient of the 1st CRDM Dissertation Award.

Fernanda’s dissertation, titled “openAnalogInput(): Hybrid spaces, Self-making and Power in the Internet of Things” was defended in December 2015, and her committee was: Adriana de Souza e Silva (chair), Jeremy Packer, David Rieder, and Steve Wiley.

Each year the CRDM Dissertation award winner will receive a plate, and a 250 dollar cash award.


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