Stories From 2015
Congratulations to PhD student Melissa Adams!
She was invited to present at an AEJMC pre-conference panel titled “Social Media Measurement:Essentials for the Classroom and the Profession” – to be held Aug. 5, 2015 in San Francisco.
Congratulations to PhD student Dan Trigoboff!
He was interviewed on cable TV regarding NBC anchor Brian Williams’ ethical issues. You can see his interview hereĀ (starting at 1:28).
Congratulations to alumna Ashley Rose Kelly!
She won the 2015 CCCC Outstanding Dissertation Award in Technical Communication for her dissertation, “Hacking Science: Emerging Parascientific Genres and Public Participation in Scientific Research.” Her doctoral committee members were committee chair Carolyn Miller (CRDM-English), Nancy Penrose (CRDM-English), Bill Kinsella […]