Dear Fellow Graduate Students:
We invite each of you to join us for an informal/brown bag discussion with Dr. Sandra Jamieson on campus next Monday, April 16 from 12-1pm. Dr. Jamieson is one of the lead investigators on the Citation Project, an influential multi-institutional exploration of student source use in college writing that has resulted in many publications from the chief investigators. She and Tricia Serviss also recently published the edited collection Points of Departure: Rethinking Student Source Use and Writing Studies Research Methods.
This will be an excellent chance to ask questions of a senior scholar in our field. If you are currently thinking through issues about methodology or about student writing in your seminar papers/thesis/dissertation projects, we hope you will take advantage of this opportunity!
Please register here so we can have a count of who is coming:
Bring a lunch! You’re welcome to eat while we talk.
Dr. Jamieson will also be conducting a workshop (flier attached) from 2-4pm also on Monday, April 16. We hope you will join us for either or both events. The registration link for the 2-4pmworkshop is here: