CRDM student, Megan Alyssa Fletcher, receives the National Communication Association's 2019 Stephen E. Lucas Debut Publication Award.
The National Communication Association (NCA) has selected Megan Alyssa Fletcher, a doctoral student in the Communication, Rhetoric and Digital Media program and an instructor of communication and interdisciplinary studies at NC State, as the 2019 recipient of the Stephen E. Lucas Debut Publication Award.
Given annually, the award encourages and rewards new scholars in the communication discipline. It aims to identify and recognize a contribution to the discipline by an author or authors publishing their first scholarly book or monograph. Fletcher was honored for her essay, “We to Me: An Autoethnographic Discovery of Self, In and Out of Domestic Abuse.”
Fletcher was presented the award on Nov. 16 at the NCA’s 105th Annual Convention in Baltimore.
NCA is the largest communication association in the U.S. They serve scholars, teachers and practitioners who are members by enabling and supporting their professional interests in research and teaching. For more information, visit natcom.org.