Wide-ranging essays and experimental prose forcefully demonstrate how digital media and computational technologies have redefined what it is to be human
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THE USER UNCONSCIOUS: On Affect, Media, and Measure
By Patricia Ticineto Clough
University of Minnesota Press l 240 pages l March 2018ISBN 978-1-5179-0442-7 | paperback | $25.00ISBN 978-1-5179-0421-0 | libary cloth | $100.00
These stimulating essays and experimental compositions demonstrate how digital media and computational technologies fundamentally affect our sense of self and the world we live in, from human and other-than-human perspectives. Moving from affect to data, Patricia Ticineto Clough reveals how digital media and computational technologies are not merely controlling us—they have already altered what it means to be human.
Patricia Ticineto Clough is professor of sociology and women’s studies at the Graduate Center and Queens College, City University of New York. She is author of Autoaffection: Unconscious Thought in the Age of Teletechnology (Minnesota, 2000), Feminist Thought: Desire, Power, and Academic Discourse, and The End(s) of Ethnography: From Realism to Social Criticism. She is editor of The Affective Turn: Theorizing the Social with Craig Willse, editor of Beyond Biopolitics: Essays on the Governance of Life and Death, and, with Alan Frank and Steven Seidman, editor of Intimacies: A New World of Relational Life. Clough is also a psychoanalyst practicing in New York City.
For more information, including the table of contents, visit the book’s webpage:
https://www.upress.umn.edu/book-division/books/the-user-unconsciousPRAISE FOR THE USER UNCONSCIOUS“The essays collected in The User Unconscious, each in its own way and together, are groundbreaking in that they brilliantly pose problems of affect, media, and measure as questions of memory, embodiment, and subjectivation in the datalogical era. Drawing on the best in critical theory, philosophy, and media studies, Patricia Ticineto Clough shows us how to intervene more effectively in the present configuration of digital media and computational technologies in the afterward of neoliberalism and biopolitics.” —Amit S. Rai, Queen Mary, University of London
“Weaving together the analytical and the lyrical threads of her collective work, Patricia Ticineto Clough takes us to the originary technicity of an unconscious that starts experimenting with the nonhuman modalities of affect, media, and datalogics. These critical and poetic writings about the auto-affective reconfigurations of information governance are a compelling excursus into the political sensibilities for thinking technology today.” —Luciana Parisi, Goldsmiths University of London