On behalf of the efforts of a start-up team of:
Kyle Larson, Miami University (OH)
Lucy Johnson, Washington State University
Ashanka Kumari, University of Louisville
Gavin P. Johnson, Ohio State University
Virginia Schwarz, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Sara Doan, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Khirsten L. Echols, University of Louisville
Lou Maraj, Ohio State University
Sweta Gyanu Baniya, Purdue University
the DBLAC organization
and Estee Beck, The University of Texas at Arlington
We are pleased to announce a new international rhetoric and writing graduate student listserv, nextGEN, hosted by The University of Texas at Arlington.
NextGEN provides graduate students with a space to network, collaborate, share knowledge, and engage in critical, supportive, and thought-provoking interdisciplinary writing and rhetoric studies conversations on both a national and international level. More specifically, nextGEN offers these conversations in a space that is moderated by, and produced for, graduate students.
The production of nextGEN was influenced by both a kairotic moment in recent conversations that have transpired on the WPA-listserv as well as a need for a safe(r) space for graduate students to contribute, inquire, and respond to conversations in our field. The start-up team envisions the nextGEN listserv as a generative space for discussion focused on the needs of the next generation of teachers and scholars of rhetoric and writing studies.
We’re excited about this opportunity to build a networked community of graduate students–who are the future of our field. Providing a place where our voices, research, and collaborations are not only welcomed but also central to the purpose of the space will enrich networking and foster meaningful relationships and dialogues.
The purpose of this space is to create a safe(r) environment for graduate student conversation; however, anyone is welcome to join! The start-up team has drafted a policy statement that we will adhere to in continuing to monitor and sustain the listserv.
Please spread the word and join nextGEN to build a critical, engaged community with us!
HOW TO JOIN (Read #3 before clicking on the link after #1)
Copy-and-paste the emailed confirmation link into your browser WITHOUT the “http://” part
The nextGEN listserv is publicly available to search engines; therefore, consider the rhetorical situation when replying to another user. Is the response enhancing the conversation, or merely engaging with it on a personal level? Engagements may be more appropriate in replying to the person directly versus through the public-facing listserv. For example, reply directly to the original post rather than using “reply all” to spam the listserv with a message such as “thanks for the article” or “great insight.” Also, please exercise judicious restraint for people who access the listserv with limited data plans by limiting posting university logos in signature lines AND excessive signature lines.
By subscribing to the nextGEN listserv, users agree to the terms and conditions of these guidelines.
Since The University of Texas at Arlington hosts the nextGEN listserv, please do not post:
Political messages advocating for support of a particular political candidate. This listserv is provided by The University of Texas at Arlington funded in part through taxpayer funds. As such, UT-Arlington handbook of operating procedures forbids using university resources to support political candidates or political campaigns.
Any message, information, data, illustrations, graphics, text, audio and video clips (“Content”) that is abusive, defamatory, harassing, harmful, libelous, pornographic, obscene, threatening, vulgar or invasive of privacy that would constitute a criminal offense or violate local, state, or federal laws and regulations.
Any harmful Content knowingly and willfully including without limitation viruses, malware, super- or zombie cookies, worms, Trojan horses or any computer code that exploits, intercepts system, program, and personal data.
Any Content that defames or disparages another person or group based on culture, race, ethnicity, country of origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, religion, size, and/or ability.
Any Content such as advertising or soliciting for funds, pyramid schemes, and/or promotional email spam.
Anonymous messages to the listserv or assume another’s identity or attempt to conceal your identity