Option A exam update

For those you who are planning (or thinking about) taking your comprehensive exams with no notes, no outside sources, and no internet (exam option a), here’s an update:
– For this semester, the exam room will be Tompkins Hall 224, which is to the right of the Head’s office in English. The room will probably be available in the spring (and beyond), too, but we are waiting for confirmation. 
– Contact Melissa Jackson to reserve the room.
– A Macbook purchased for the exam should be checked out from Jeff Leonard. It has MS Word on it. We are looking into adding a dual boot option for Windows users. If that is something you want, please let me know.
– A set of 3 USB flash drives have been purchased, which will be used to save and submit your answers each day. Unless your committee wants to hand you print-outs of your questions, they can put the questions on the flash drives, too. 
Contact CRDM Director, Dr. Rieder, if you have any more questions about the process. 

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