Welcome to the 2017 Newsletter!
Dear CRDM community
(faculty, affiliated faculty, students, and alumni),
It’s with great pleasure I present you with the CRDM 2017 Spring newsletter! The first issue of the program’s newsletter was released last year, and I hope this is a tradition that will continue for years to come. Read more.
CRDM Welcomes 2016-2017 New Faculty!
We would like to welcome Dr. Grant Bollmer, Dr. Franklin Cason, Dr. Dana Gierdowski, and Dr. Nicole Lee into the core faculty for CRDM! Read more.
2017 CRDM Symposium
The CRDM’s program annual symposium, The Remix: Multimedia and Intersectionality in Culture, Communication and the Academy, ran from March 24th to the 25th on the NCSU Campus. This year’s symposium was organized by a great team of students, Katreena Alder, Kendra Andrews, T. Mark Bentley, Desiree Dighton, Sarah Evans, Krystin Gollihue, Jessica Handloff, Jeonghyn Lee, Max Renner and TJ Morgan; and were advised by Dr. Chris Anson. Read more.
Awards for 2016-2017
Every Spring semester, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at NC State requests nominations for the year’s Dissertation Award. Since 2016, the CRDM committee ranks the Dissertations nominated to the CHASS award chooses its awardee as the top ranked nominee. Read more.
CRDM Partnerships: New Collaborations with STS and LAS
The CRDM program is constantly building on partnerships with Departments and institutions in and outside the University. These partnerships give students the opportunity to conduct research in academic settings that go beyond teaching, and to learn valuable skills for their future professional lives.
This year, the CRDM program forged a new partnership with the Laboratory of Analytic Sciences (LAS), and expanded an already existing partnership with the IDS program at NC State. Read more.
CRDM Website News
This Spring, we have updated the CRDM website and added several new features. We invite you to take a look at some of these pages, to find out the great work CRDM faculty and students are doing. Read more.
CRDM Dissertation Defenses 2016-2017
CRDM is proud of the following students for completing their dissertations. To read more on each dissertation click on their dissertation title to be redirected to their work posted on NCSU Library site. Read more.
Newsletter Credits:
CRDM Director: Dr. Adriana de Souza e Silva
CRDM Associate Director: Dr. David Rieder
CRDM Program Associate: Jeffrey Leonard
Research & Writing (CRDM Student Worker): María Asunción Tudela